Last weekend was pretty packed with activities. Not a bad thing for the first weekend back in Melbourne.
The pre-weekend dinner was the usual hot pot (or steamboat for you Malaysians). However, this time, almost the whole company, came along instead of the usual two or three. Keith did not join as usual. He is a good boy hence does not do pot.
At first we wanted to go to the new place on Bourke for hot pot but in the end decided it was not worth it. Two in the company wanted to go to the usual haunt on Lygon while the other two thought that it was too far thus suggested Little Lamb. Holding the crucial vote and being undecided, I left the choice to the one dollar coin.
At first we wanted to go to the new place on Bourke for hot pot but in the end decided it was not worth it. Two in the company wanted to go to the usual haunt on Lygon while the other two thought that it was too far thus suggested Little Lamb. Holding the crucial vote and being undecided, I left the choice to the one dollar coin.

The service at Little Lamb was excruciatingly slow due to the overwhelming number of customers and that meal being my first for the day, I did not bother taking any more photos at the price of starvation. Besides, the food is not spetacular and the pot was not something you can get high on.
On Saturday, I met up with secondary schoolmates, Glenn, who had just arrived in Melbourne a week ago and Kar Hao who has already been here for long. We had lunch at Universal Steakhouse on Lygon.
Chicken schnitzel.
Freddo's Surprise, pandan and cookies.
On Saturday, I met up with secondary schoolmates, Glenn, who had just arrived in Melbourne a week ago and Kar Hao who has already been here for long. We had lunch at Universal Steakhouse on Lygon.

Noticing that the prices of red meat on the menu have increased by a good twenty or so percent, I went for the chicken schnitzel instead. I do not know why I chose chicken schnitzel, it is after all a battered piece of flattened chicken breast which makes it even tougher and drier than it already is. Luckily the dish came with a sauce. The beer batter fries on the other hand were good. I have always loved chunky fries instead of the crispy shoestring ones.
We had a long chat about old times and the future at lunch and the chatter continued as we moved across the street to Freddo's, the ice cream place.

That night, Keith and I went over to a friend's place for games from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m as we used to do last year. Warcraft III custom games were on as usual and we had something new that night, a card game called Sabotage. It is highly addictive and I expect to be playing more of it from now on.
I slept in on Sunday and woke up at about 1 p.m. Noticing there was not a single cloud in the sky, I left for Southbank in search for good vantage points for photography, again. I wanted to stay until sunset but after a short while under the scorching summer sun, I went home to wait for the sunset and for dinner.
mmm YCccc... nice HOT POT!...even the lungs look tasty after waiting i bet. were they spongy in texture? :P